Tracking Impossible Foods's Recent Growth in the U.S.
The share of Americans who are considering purchasing from Impossible has nearly doubled in the last year

The post below uses data from Morning Consult Brand Intelligence. To learn more about this data, click here.

A Morning Consult survey from March found 36 percent of Americans wished more fast-food restaurants offered vegetarian options. This growing interest is helping drive up demand for the plant-based meat market, spearheaded by brands like Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat.

New Morning Consult Brand Intelligence tracking data for Impossible Foods illustrates how quickly this market is taking off within the U.S.

Since September 2018, the share of adults who are familiar with Impossible has grown from 21 to 35 percent. Over that same time, purchasing consideration has nearly doubled – rising from 8 to 15 percent.

In early April 2019, Burger King announced they would begin selling an “Impossible Whopper,” made with an Impossible Burger. As the chart below shows, it is around that time that Impossible’s brand starts to grow most rapidly. As of September, 35 percent of adults are aware of their brand.

With over 75,000 annual interviews on every brand, Brand Intelligence brings together millions of survey interviews on thousands of brands to provide real-time insight and analytics into the most important brand metrics. The results on this page are based on 88,229 survey interviews with U.S. adults between June 15, 2018 and September 24, 2019. 

Morning Consult